10249 Smoke Road SW
44.637 acres of wooded land, located 4.100 feet due east of the Pataskala/Etna Interchange on Interstate 70, with a 2,800 foot viewscape along I-70 and a 750 foot road frontage along Smoke Road SW. Property is currently zoned Agricultural District and is adjacent to R-2 Medium Density Residential.Also, an ideal property for the individual homeowner that wants to build with privacy and freedom for subdivision restrictions in mind.
View full listing detailsPrice: | $$1,115,925 |
Address: | 10249 Smoke Road SW |
City: | Etna |
State: | Ohio |
MLS: | 221035997 |
Acres: | 44.64 |
Lot Square Feet: | 44.64 acres |
forSale: | Yes |
taxYear: | 2020 |
forLease: | No |
parcelNum: | 010-017292-00.000 |
taxesYrly: | 9182 |
assessment: | 217600 |
forExchange: | No |
previousUse: | Woodland |
buildingSqFt: | 748 |
newFinancing: | Conventional |
pricePerAcre: | 25000 |
roadFrontage: | 750 |
taxIncentive: | No |
alternateUses: | Commercial, Residential |
listPriceAcre: | 24998.32 |
betweenStreet1: | I-70 |
betweenStreet2: | Palmer Road |
distToIntersxn: | 4000 |
numOfBuildings: | 1 |
schoolDistrict: | SOUTHWEST LICKING LSD 4510 LIC CO. |
multipleParcels: | Yes |
builtPriorTo1978: | yes |
servicesAvailable: | Electric |
auctionInfoAuction: | No |
lotCharacteristics: | Wooded |
corpLimitperauditor: | None |
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<div id="IDX-detailsCourtesyOffice" style="width:100%; text-align:center; clear:both;">Listed by: Earl H Kerns from USA-1 Real Estate Corp. (614) 915-7230</div><div id="IDX-courtesyStatus" style="visibility:hidden;">Contingent</div><div id="IDX-sellingOffice" class="IDX-sellingOffice" style="visibility:hidden; padding-top:8px; width:100%; text-align:center; clear:both;">Listing sold by </div><script type="text/javascript">idx(function(){var courtesyStatus = idx("#IDX-courtesyStatus").text();if(courtesyStatus === "Closed" || courtesyStatus === "Leased"){idx("#IDX-sellingOffice").css("visibility","visible");}});</script>